Aged USA Facebook With 2FA and Email Access. Age: 4-5 Months

Category: Aged USA Facebook With 2FA and Email Access

Product Code: 200790

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Aged USA Facebook With 2FA and Email Access. Age: 4-5 Months

Account Format: UID,Password,2FA Key,Email,EmailAccessInfo
  • 2FA Key: Two factor authentication key
  • EmailAccessInfo: You can access email at https://bulkacc.com/TempMail We will try our best to keep the email access for lifetime, however it's your responsibility to change the email of your purchased accounts to your email accounts to maintain the access if you need that. All orders only have 24 hours guarantee after checking out as mentioned in our product description and our terms of use
Accounts were registered with US IP address. Names are random.

Instructions for logging in to your account:

  1. Please check the account’s UID before logging in. If the UID is inactive, DON'T login, send a screenshot to the shop for warranty support. You can check the UID by visiting https://www.facebook.com/UID (replace 'UID' with your Facebook account's UID). In case there are issues with the purchased accounts, there will be no guarantee, replacement, or refund if you do not verify the UID before logging in. 
  2. Go to: https://facebook.com 
  3.  Enter UID and Password then press the "Login" button
  4. When logging in, you will be prompted to enter the 2FA code. Use  https://bulkacc.com/TwoFactorEnable website and 2FA key to obtain the 6-digit 2FA code. Use this 2FA code to complete the login on Facebook.

Guarantee policy: We guarantee for 24 hours after account delivery for any invalid accounts or accounts that can not be logged in. No guarantee after accounts are logged in succesfully.