Indonesia Facebook, 2FA Enableb

Category: Facebook

Product Code: 100280

In Stock : 58


Min : 1


I will have some notes when you log in and use it for the first time.
- When you buy an account and log in for the first time, you should log in with the link: Https://m.facebook.com to avoid unfortunate situations.
- Please go to https://bulkacc.com/TwoFactorEnable to get the 2FA login code
- When you log in, you should not change the information immediately, but farm and use it normally for over 72 hours, then if you want to change the information, you should replace it with https://mbasic.facebook.com
WARRANTY PROMOTION: 1-for-1 warranty for products with incorrect ACCOUNT or MAIL password, locked without logging in ACCOUNT or MAIL, once logged in, no warranty. Thank you.